Bigger Than They Appear:
Anthology of Very Short Poems
Edited by Katerina Stoykova-Klemer

Bigger Than They Appear: Anthology of Very Short Poems is a 316-page volume
of poems of up to 50 words, including titles. Whether poignant, funny, tragic, or
inspirational, each poem is always complete and memorable, representing a world larger
than the space it takes on the page. This book features work by 192 contemporary
masters of the short free-form poem.

What Others Say About Bigger Than They Appear

"There are sharp flashes of light, moments when the miraculous world reveals itself to us swiftly,
fully. And, because the mind is also a miracle, the lucky words sometimes arrive to capture that
revelation and through it witness what it means to be alive. That is the gift of this gorgeous

– Mary Ann Taylor-Hall

Details and Ordering

Publication Date: December 1, 2011
Format: Softcover, 5" x 7"
Pages: 316
ISBN: 978-1-936628-07-0
Price: $15.00


Sections in the Anthology

The 250 poems in the anthology have been organized into the following nine sections:
- A Field Remembers
- Open Season
- Perfect Dwelling
- Portrait of the Artist as an Anagram
- Miscellaneous Merchandise
- Directly Across from Me
- Ritual
- The Meaning of Need
- When You Become a Body


Connie Abston, Deborah Akers, Olivia V. Ambrogio, Tina Andry, Kate Angus,
Dianne Aprile, Amy Ash,
Priscilla Atkins, A. H. Jerriod Avant, Greg Bachar, David Baratier, Julie Brooks Barbour, Bianca Bargo,
Elizabeth Beck, Jennifer Beckett, DM Benningfield, Carol Berg, Richard M. Berlin, Marin Bodakov,
Don Boes, Georgi Borissov, Elizabeth Brennan, Mark Russell Brown, Elizabeth Burk, Bobbi Burns, Sarah Busse,
Melissa Carl, Nancy Fletcher Cassell, E. Gail Chandler, Sherry Chandler, Chungyen Chang, David Chorlton,
Alex Cigale, Vickie Cimprich, Laurie Clewett, Samantha Cole, SuzAnne C. Cole, Roger Craik, Dean Crawford,
Philip Dacey, Adam Day, Sonja de Vries, Mark DeCarteret, Albert DeGenova, Joanie DiMartino, Lynnell Edwards,
Alan Elyshevitz, Nettie Farris, Nancy Fierstien, Anthony Fife, Ken Fifer, Maureen Tolman Flannery,
Gerald Fleming, Marguerite Floyd, Ruth Foley, Anthony Frame, Tom Frazier, Sarah Freligh, Wanda Fries,
Joy Gaines-Friedler, Martha Gehringer, Jane Gentry, Barry George, Karen George, Kathleen Gerard, Carmen Germain,
Jo Going, Andrei Guruianu, Piotr Gwiazda, Colleen S. Harris, Matthew Haughton, Petja Heinrich, Kathleen Hensley,
Ruth Holzer, Paul Hostovsky, Rebecca Gayle Howell, Charlie Hughes, Tom C. Hunley, Elizabeth Iannaci,
Darren Jackson, Libby Falk Jones, Marilyn Kallet, Lisa Kang, J. Kates, Ruth Moon Kempher, Leatha Kendrick,
Jen Kohan, Sari Krosinsky, Francis Krug, Ellen LaFleche, Nana Lampton, Peggy Landsman, Ivan Landzhev,
Caroline LeBlanc, Carol Levin, Gail Carson Levine, Richard Levine, Jennifer Litt, Nicholas Liu,
Joel Long, JoAnn LoVerde-Dropp, Christina Lovin, Gregory Luce, George Ella Lyon, Aimee Mackovic,
Charlotte Mandel, Arlene L. Mandell, Jesse Manley, Katie Manning, Prairie L. Markussen, Chris Mattingly,
Lori A. May, Jay McCoy, Christopher McCurry, John McKernan, rob mclennan, Karen McPherson, Andrew Merton,
Norman Minnick, Suchoon Mo, Trey Moody, Larry W. Moore, David Park Musella, Kristine Ong Muslim,
Constance Norgren, Mary O'Dell, Andrea O'Rourke, Elizabeth Oakes, Jeremy Dae Paden, Joe Peacock, Richard Pearse,
Roger Pfingston, Emilia Phillips, Kenneth Pobo, Sheila Bucy Potter, Melva Sue Priddy, Brett Eugene Ralph,
Peter Ramos, Jerry Ratch, Mary Anne Reese, Ken Rice, Karen Rigby, Bobbi Dawn Rightmyer, Nick Ripatrazone,
Zack Rogow, Gabriele A. Rollé, Rosemary Royston, Barbara Sabol, Richard Schiffman,
Ada Jill Schneider, Staci R. Schoenfeld, Jan Seale, Claudia Serea, Jeanne Shannon, J.D. Smith, Frederick Smock,
Paul Sohar, Merry Speece, Bianca Spriggs, Christine Strevinsky, Karen Stromberg, Dariel Suarez, David Sullivan,
Eric Scott Sutherland, Richard Taylor, Jeanie Thompson, Jessica Thompson, Matthew Thorburn, Allison Thorpe,
Cristina Trapani-Scott, Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer, Wendy Vardaman,
Marian Veverka, James Vincent, Georgia Wallace, Thom Ward, Burton D. Wasserman, Chocolate Waters, Amy Watkins,
Lenore Weiss, Judith Wiker, John Sibley Williams, Joe Willkins, Dylan Willoughby, Keith S. Wilson,
Nicholas YB Wong, Robert E. Wood, Marianne Worthington, Sheri L. Wright, Lisa Zimmerman

