Her Limestone Bones
Selections from Lexington Poetry Month 2013
Edited by Hap Houlihan and Christopher McCurry

Her Limestone Bones is a 122-page collection of poems written and submitted by a diverse group of
poets during the 2013 Lexington Poetry Month, in which participants were challenged to write at least one
poem a day. The result is an exciting, thought-provoking five-section poetry anthology featuring 75 authors.
What Others Say About Her Limestone Bones
"Lexington, KY. Where we don't just read poetry, we tattoo it to our bodies. And we write it, all of us, more or less. A town of poets, of people who live their lives to create and share meaning, beauty, truth—not to earn a publishing contract or a career—but to earn a life better lived. It makes for a better trip to the grocery store, I'll tell you that. Or to the mechanic. Or the coffee shop. Why? Because we are, actually, happy to run into each other, because we are, actually, interested in what each other have to say. That's one thing poetry can make happen: it can make neighbors of strangers. Think of this book as your coffee shop. And today as your day."

– Rebecca Gayle Howell, author of Render / An Apocalypse

"There is plenty of Song to be heard in this exciting collection—a community book that must be unique in our great country. One hears wonder and rage, delight and despair, but resonating throughout is a unified voice of affection for the words, for the place. I hold this book in my hands and feel a twelve-gauge kick of inspiration, yea, a great joy. There isn't a dishonest note in these pages: every word is the real deal."

– Maurice Manning, author of The Gone and the Going Away

Details and Ordering
Publication Date: April 15, 2014
Format: Softcover, 6" x 9"
Pages: 122
ISBN: 978-1-936628-24-7
Price: $12.00

Morgan Adams,
Mary Allen,
Corey Angel,
Allie Marini Batts,
Elizabeth Beck,
Jennifer Beckett,
Michelle Benningfield,
Michael Dean Benton,
Kevin Blankenship,
Sayid R. Bnefsi,
Maggie Brewer,
Kari Burchfield,
Sherry Chandler,
Rae Cobbs,
Whitney Collins,
Deborah Cooper,
Alison Courtney,
Bront Davis,
Bernie DeVille,
Julian DeVille,
Joanie DiMartino,
Marta Dorton,
Teneice Durrant,
MJ Eaton,
Nettie Farris,
Morghan Fuller,
Duke Gatsos,
Karen George,
Jaria Gordon,
Pauletta Hansel,
Matthew Haughton,
Pamela Gibbs Hirschler,
Leigh Anne Hornfeldt,
Hap Houlihan,
Sue Neufarth Howard,
Zachary Johnson,
Carole Johnston,
Doug Jones,
Leatha Kendrick,
Elizabeth Kilcoyne,
Michelle Knickerbocker,
Jude Lally,
George Ella Lyon,
Patrick Maloney,
Jay McCoy,
Christopher McCurry,
Christopher Miller,
Jason Lee Miller,
Elane Moore-Turenne,
E. K. Mortenson,
Kristine Nowak,
Bronson O'Quinn,
Betsy Packard,
Jeremy Dae Paden,
Melva Sue Priddy,
Robin LaMer Rahija,
Jay St. Orts,
Doug Self,
Clay Shields,
Vijay Singh,
Savannah Sipple,
G.A. Smith,
Kate Spencer,
Bianca Spriggs,
Keith Stewart,
Karah Stokes,
Katerina Stoykova-Klemer,
Jessica Swafford,
Rudy Thomas,
Beatrice Underwood-Sweet,
Davina Warner,
Jason McKinley Williams,
K. Nicole Wilson,
Elle Wong,
Marianne Worthington,
Tyler Worthington
From the Introduction
If you listen closely, you will begin to detect a Song—behind, above, and amidst
the slow noise of Lexington streets … It is the Song of Lexington's cultural
character. This collection is a libretto of sorts, describing a small portion of the
Song. More verses of our Song can be found in the work of the other poets who contributed
during Lexington Poetry Month. You are encouraged to explore the trove from which these
poems were selected: the
Lexington Poetry Month blog. Over eighty writers from (or otherwise
attached to) Lexington wrote a poem each day in June 2013, posting those pieces that met
their satisfaction. The results—over one thousand poems—are distinctive yet
harmonious. Lexington Poetry Month is a new chorus in the Song, one that will be sung
anew each June in Lexington.

—Hap Houlihan and Christopher McCurry

The Lexington Poetry Month 2013 blog can be found at:

