Wendy Jett

From the author of Girl comes the next instalment of the multigenre story of a girl growing up in difficult circumstances. Friendships, family relationships, domestic violence, health challenges come into focus in this beautiful, hopeful, heartbreaking, relatable book.

What Others Say About Tainted

Tainted picks up where Wendy Jett's first book, Girl, left off, wrestling cosmic questions posed by the family, creatures, and spirits accompanying Girl's journey. Jett's words reveal not only the development of Girl as she matures, but also the destiny of Mama, Daddy, and other characters who people Girl's life. Tragic and tender, magical as God and real as beans and cornbread, Tainted is a triumph and true to the bone. If you liked Girl, you'll absolutely love Tainted.

—Mike Wilson, author of Arranging Deck Chairs on the Titanic, political poetry for a post-truth world

Tainted, the much-anticipated sequel to Wendy Jett's Girl, is told using the fresh, authentic, close perspective of a young narrator and her beloved dog. In Tainted, Jett's powerful style blending prose poetry, and recipe work together to gradually reveal a complex story about family, healing, tragedy, and the treacherous journey of grief where seeds are sown and roots grow down to the bones. I could not put down this book, pausing just long enough to take deep breaths and to let the weight of the words on every page sink in. Wendy Jett is an incredible story-teller with amazing talent.

—Marcia Thornton Jones, author/co-author of over 135 books for kids

In Tainted, we are carried on the wings of a dragonfly tap, tap, tappin against the winda and dropped into the heartbreaking world of Girl. Girl's world, artfully crafted by Wendy Jett from poetry and prose (and even recipes) spoken in the voice and vernacular of the rural hills, is turned upside down in this second installment of the series by the return of her daddy, a man who carries trouble in his pocket. As much as my heart literally ached, I couldn't stop reading; propelled by Jett's keen and utterly original storytelling, I found myself breathlessly prayin along with Girl—for Girl—through the final page.

—Missy Brownson, author of Hush Candy

Details and Ordering

Publication Date: April 10, 2024
Format: Softcover, 5" x 7"
ISBN: 978-1-961127-07-4
Price: $19.00

About the Author

Wendy Jett is a longtime fitness instructor, decoupage nerd, improv junkie and loves to write. She is a born and raised Kentucky girl who now calls Lexington home. Mom to two humans, Kayla and Stevie, and one canine, Lola Jolene, she does the best she can every day! Some days she does better than others. Rumor has it that she can be bribed with peanut M&M's.
