Each year
like Sisyphus
I roll a stone
up a hill.
Turn in your syllabus.
Remember your paper.
Sharpen your pencil.
Stop hitting your friend.
Support your thesis.
Cite your sources.
Put your name on your paper,
and put down your phone.
Each year
like Atlas
I hold up
the world.
Go get some breakfast.
Where is your jacket?
Yes, I have cough drops.
Let’s call your mom.
Your child is failing.
Your child is crying.
Your child is hurting.
Please pick up the phone.
Each year
like Prometheus
I give
of myself.
Please study your notes,
I care that you’re failing.
Please sleep tonight,
I care that you’re tired.
Please eat something healthy,
I care that you’re hungry.
Please tell me what’s wrong,
I care that you hurt.