The dog got the stick and looked back at us.
And that was the whole show.
(Charles Simic)
Carrot, Beets Me, Ginger Tonic, Zinger
Kale Yes: the five health blends I am allowed
to sell at the first Fair Trade Day which
is no joke when the vendors discover that
all the business we have is each other.
Finally a small flurry from the tour bus
…Red Hat ladies rubbing up the rhubarb
in white gloves. I hide the asparagus.
In the next booth Medusa sells Kombucha,
Zesty Fire Vinegar with turmeric
and thyme. I always try to be beside her
to watch her hold her daughter’s hand, a queen
with serpentine haiRRR spilling out
aura, air, tone and tenor
The playfulness of this makes it so good
Oops! Typo: there should be a comma at the end of the first line.
I just read it as Zinger Kale… I have great respect for Farmers. The dirt beneath their nails is a sure sign of honest labor.
I love the way the words trip on the tongue!
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