Tag Archives: bigger than they appear

“Thanksgiving Eve” by Marianne Worthington

Bigger Than They ApearMy mother sleeps in my bed,
my father sleeps
in a ground starting to freeze.
I wake in a moon-lit room
not meant for sleeping.
What else to do but let go
of his wheelchair and inhalers,
his starched pajamas pressed
and resting in his cherry dresser?

Marianne Worthington,
Bigger Than They Appear:
Anthology of Very Short Poems
(Accents Publishing)

“Arrivals” by Andrei Guruianu

Bigger Than They ApearThe clock in the plaza
showed the wrong time,
which was just right for somewhere else.

And why were you so surprised
that at that hour
we simply did not exist?

It wasn’t our turn yet.
The clock had three other faces—
each for a different hour of need.

Andrei Guruianu,
Bigger Than They Appear:
Anthology of Very Short Poems
(Accents Publishing)

“His First Cry” by Elizabeth Iannaci

Bigger Than They Apearis small and fierce. Suddenly,
I can no longer be trusted
with secrets. Tell me nothing
vital: I would give it up
in an instant. Now, there is
something in life
worth ransom.

Elizabeth Iannaci,
Bigger Than They Appear:
Anthology of Very Short Poems
(Accents Publishing)

“Twelfth Hour” by Arlene L. Mandell

Bigger Than They ApearAs the moon casts
long shadows through
spruce-scented woods

world leaders debate
the essence of evil
an old woman inhales
cold mountain air

a young doe in the thicket
endures her first birth.

-Arlene L. Mandell,
Bigger Than They Appear: 
Anthology of Very Short Poems
(Accents Publishing)

“God” by Melva Sue Priddy

Bigger Than They ApearI am God
I created man
placed my hand upon
his head gently
and said You
shall have free will.
You shall not return
to me asking What
do I do next?
What do I do next?
What do I do next?

Melva Sue Priddy,
Bigger than They Appear:
Anthology of Very Short Poems
(Accents Publishing)

Melva Sue Priddy, a native Kentuckian, lives with her husband Gene Strode, who has helped provide a safe environment for writing.

“Understanding Love” by Tom C. Hunley

Bigger Than They Apearis like understanding a drum solo.
Better to let it shake your bones.
Or understanding how they score
Olympic skaters. Better to hold your breath
as he holds her hand, her head inches from
the ice, cheering their routine
whether or not they stumble.

Tom C. Hunley,
Bigger Than They Appear:
Anthology of Very Short Poems

(Accents Publishing)

Tom Hunley

“In the Maker’s Image” by Matthew Haughton

Bigger Than They ApearWithered hand turns
a knife,
slice and peeling
an onion.
Lumps of flesh
unravel round
man and maker;
the leaves of an onion.

Matthew Haughton,
Bigger Than They Appear:
Anthology of Very Short Poems
(Accents Publishing)

“January Wind/Isaiah” by Martha Gehringer

Bigger Than They ApearThese trees scrub the winter sky—
scour away the grey—and I,
I bow my head like a reed.

Martha Gehringer,
Bigger Than They Appear:
Anthology of Very Short Poems
(Accents Publishing)

Bigger Than They Appear Reading summary (Part 1)

In 2012, the Lexington Public Library recorded and produced a reading held at the Carnegie Center for Literacy and Learning. This event featured readings from Bigger Than They Appear: Anthology of Very Short Poems.

For the full list of videos, click here.

The poets were asked to read one of their poems as well as someone else’s. Below are the poets, the time stamp where they appear in the video, and the poems they read. The emcee is Katerina Stoykova-Klemer.

NOTE: The anthology was dedicated to the Memory of Mark Russell Brown. In this video, Katerina discusses who he was at 08:59 and a poem of his is read by K. Nicole Brown.